Friday, August 27, 2010

Ghost Blog!

 I command you to go to hell and sit on a red hot coal, and wait for me, until it snows! 
I've been a bad blogger! I said once a week and its been... (let me look) 12 days!!! Holy crap I suck. What can I say besides a the main ingredient of "I've been busy" with a dash of "I've been lazy" thrown in for good measure.

I promised Melanie that I would work on something for her website in the next few days. Even if she has another guy giving his opinion. I'm shocked. Nay, appalled. Where is my agent, and what is he doing about this faux pas?

I suppose I have only myself to blame.

But anyway, I've almost reached a point where I have a little bit of breathing room. I'll try to get something up here within the next few days.

You know, for my multitude of followers...


1 comment:

  1. I knew it...I knew as soon as I posted that "other guy's" post that my resident male perspective blogger would be insulted! Between me and you, yours have gotten way more attention and comments, and we all know it's all about the comments. For what it's worth, yours are definitely my favorite. Send your agent my way and we'll renegotiate your contract. ;) Patiently waiting for another Nice Guy installment, both here and for LinS!
